Product Details


Manufacturer Rudra Solar Energy
Year of Launch 2011
Product Description Bigger commercial version with 8 trays for commercial startup level for farmers, women, and self help groups. It works 24 hours 365 days a year as it is with electrical backup, The best in range with higher efficiency and drying rate - 67% and 3kg respectively.

Technical Specifications

Dryer Type Cabinet Dryer
Drying Capacity 20 kg
Solar PV Capacity 30 W
Collector Area 1.9 sq. mt.
Number of Trays 8
Average Loading Capacity of Tray 2.5 kg per tray
Drying Temperature 55-80 deg C
Dimensions (L x W x H) 2100mm x 1000mm x 300mm
Number of Fans 3


The technical details mentioned here are as provided by the manufacturers/vendors.